Ditch the Hustle Through Quantum Leaps.

The ‘Hustle’ is Dead.

If you’re like me, you were raised to believe that hard work was the path to success. There was no shortage of hustle in my house. My dad used to grind on about “the value of hard work.”

Queue the money myths…
“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
“You’ve got to work hard for your money.”

So I did. 
I worked. 
And worked. 
And worked. 

At 13, I landed my first job. 
Burger King. 
The uniform was a pair of tapered pants and a visor. 🤣
I used to pray to God that none of my friends would walk in and see me. 

It didn’t matter. 
I was getting paaaaaaid! 
And it felt good. I was in control of my destiny. Or at least it felt that way. 

Want more money? 
Work more. 
Work harder. 
It made sense. 

Until it didn’t. 

Built on Flawed Logic

The hustle philosophy allowed me to make my own pocket money in my teens.
It allowed me to save. 
It got me through my undergrad without debt.
It landed me more than one highly coveted trading job.
It helped me to build a quarter of a million dollar co-working business. 

It left me burnt out as fuck. 

My business was making $250,000 a year and I was hardly seeing any of it because of our insanely high expenses.
More importantly, I was exhausted. 
I rarely made time for my friends. My family. Dating. 
I thought that’s what I needed to do to be successful.
To have the impact I wanted in the world.

Shift from 10% Steps to 100X Leaps

So how do you get ahead without working harder? 

Find your opportunities for a quantum leap. 

These are actions and results that will completely change the game for you. It's the difference between a 10% improvement and something that leaps you forward by 10X or 100X. 

They allow you to put in the same or less work for a massive payoff.

They give you leverage.

They are so big that they’ll seem crazy or impossible.
At first. 
It’s the job, partnership or mentor that would change your whole life.

When you start this brainstorming process, think BIG. 
Be aware of that inner voice that creeps in. The inner critic whose voice tries to stop you before you even write the words. 

Give yourself permission to dream

Criteria of a Quantum Leap

Why Hustle Doesn't Work
  1. It's completely out of the realm of possibility right now. It doesn't yet exist.

  2. It's something you've never done before.

  3. If you got the results you wanted, it would move you forward by 10X or 100X where you are now with your finances. 

A Few Big Bold Ideas

Here are a few yummy ideas to get those quantum juices flowing:

  • Reaching out to the most successful person in your industry for mentorship

  • Pitching a new client that has the potential to bring in 10X what your other clients pay

  • Pitching a high level partnership with a company or person whose highly aligned with your work and has a huge network

  • Appearing as a guest on a wildly successful podcast

  • Applying for a job that would double your salary

Want more ideas? Check out this week’s Facebook Live here.

Ditch the Doubt

It's important that when you take these actions, you’re unattached to the outcome. You're responsible for the action, not predicting the future and controlling the results. 

This isn’t about doing one thing, not seeing results and giving up.
Maybe you need to pitch 20 epic podcasts to land one or apply for 30 jobs or send 40 emails.
Be committed to your actions and your dreams. 

If you ever find yourself caught in doubt about what’s possible, just think back to January of this year. 
Remember that time before a global pandemic that has collectively shut down the world?

If I would have told you back in January that the vast majority of businesses globally would have shut down and moved their entire operations online in a matter of weeks or months, what would you have said?

 Remember babe, anything is possible. 

What quantum leap will you make to catapult you toward your dreams?

with love & light,

Kristen xx


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