finally uncover your hidden money blocks

When there’s a money result you can’t seem to create, money blocks are in the way. In this the free PDF, I’ll teach you how to find them + clear them immediately.


you don’t even know what’s in the way…

Feast and famine cycles. High highs, low lows.

A record-breaking milestone...followed by painful plateaus.

Overspending loops. Debt cycles.

Avoidance of money. Discomfort talking about it.

Spending guilt. Scarcity.

Some of your money patterns have been with you for decades.

The amount of money you currently earn, have in savings and invested your zone of safety.

If you want more, you’ve got to clear your money blocks.

You can’t find your own money blocks because they’re so deep that you believe them as truth.

Money blocks can be eliminated.

But only after you see them.

After years of dissolving my own money blocks and thousands of hours coaching clients, all money blocks come from 6 core beliefs.

This PDF will show you 100 of the most common money blocks and how to clear them for good.

clear your money blocks for good.


  • 100 of the most common money blocks women face

  • The 6 core beliefs that cause all money blocks

  • 4 reasons people continue holding onto toxic money beliefs

  • A simple, 4-step process to clear them

When you’re not stuck behind blocks….

Money is a dance party.

in my world, Money is fun.

We’ve been taught that making money is a grind.

That managing money is a chore.

That growing money is risky.

No wonder women would rather die than spend time with their numbers.

In my world, money is different.

When you’re confident with money, it’s playful.

When you know how to make more of it, it’s simple.

When you know what to do with the money that arrives, it’s exciting.

When you’re a powerful stewardess of money, more flows in.

What we do here is about more than money.

It’s about YOU becoming the woman who has the freedom to create any life she desires.

Jump in babe. You’re in for a ride.

Hey, I’m Kristen.

I’m a women’s money coach + wealth ninja. 

I wasn’t always good with money. After decades of feast and famine money patterns and deep scarcity beliefs, I unlocked the keys to wealth I had been missing. 

I paid off a $100,000 debt in just a few years and have built two multi 6-figure businesses from the ground up. I now live my dream life on the beaches of Costa Rica with my fur baby, Bean. 

I teach women to build a relationship with money that turns them on. I teach you to earn more without hustling. I show you exactly what to do with all that moolah as it rolls in so you’re keeping more of it.

I uncomplicate the F outta wealth with an approach to investing so simple that a grade 4 could do it.  I teach you how to make your money grow. 

Women in my world don’t just build their net worth. They build generational wealth. 

You were born for wealth & anything you desire is possible. 

 I love you.

Kristen xx